WOD 08 19 14
A1. Weighted Dip: 7×3 (P: Rings, F: Bar)*
A2. Push Press 7×5 (70%)
B1. OTM [18]: {0:30/0:30} Row max distance
B2. OTM [18]: (P: 4-7 Strict HSPU), (F: 4-10 Pushup)
B3. OTM [18]: {0:30/0:30} Max Slamballs (30/20)
*To weight the dip, wrap an assistance band around your waist and put the head of a dumbbell through the loop of the intersection. Use a dedicated weight belt for larger weights.
Happy Birthday to both Kim and Abbie today!
Post times, loads, and comments.
08 19 14
I was half expecting to see Karen on the menu for Tuesday
Happiest and bestest wishes to both of you on your birthday!!!!