Happy Birthday to Misty!
WOD 08 27 13
A. Pause Overhead Squat (2 sec): (3-3-3-3). Sets across at a heavy triple OR
A. EMOM: 1 Snatch attempt for 12 min. Weight on the bar cannot decrease.
B. Strict Bar Dips – not on rings (3 challenging sets: sum total reps)
C. 5 min AMRAP:
7 DL (225/155)
21 u/b DU *sub 21 ‘mini jumps’.
Rest 2 min
3 min AMRAP:
14 DL
Max Double Unders in remaining time.
*mini jump = jump consecutively and rebound into the next jump without a rope in your hand. The goal is to rebound on the ground as if you were jumping rope. Do not try to tuck your legs.
Post times, loads, and comments.
08 27 13
Hey everyone who is reading the WOD, it’s ok to make comments (nobody will make you do burpees)! (Or even post up your weights and times!)
Ya it’s been quiet in these parts! Foots is always religious about it, so it doesn’t help she’s away.
Hoping to make 5:30 so I can get a wod in today 🙂
Apropos of nothing, Lei I stumbled across this today and figured you could draw this up on the board for next nutrition challenge!! 😉
Fat fingered my tags:
Metabolic pathway
Great. Now I’m having PTSD flashbacks to biochem. I’m going to have to eat a cookie to make it stop.
This looks eerily like what I study in school…eek..
A. Did snatches, 95#. Keeping the weight low to get my form right.
B. 30
C. 4+4 (jumps), then 14 DUs. (Rx DLs)
The Mob was fun this morning — lots of new faces.
This is what unbroken DUs do to me…
< img src="http://i.imgur.com/GTfUHgH.gif" >
gif fail…
But you’re the guy on the right, correct??
I love the metabolic pathway poster, I always wanted one for artwork on my wall but they can be rather difficult to get a hold of…must be my birthday if cool stuff like that is being posted on the blog!
well unfortunately I can’t make it in for my birthday WOD 🙁 so you guys have to do all of my favorite stuff without me, delta cancelled our flight on sunday so we couldn’t get in until yesterday which meant i have to work late to make up what I couldn’t do yesterday…ugh…doesn’t work know its my birthday and all i want to do is exercise! booo
hope you guys have fun and maybe ill assign 31 burpees for everyone just because i can’t make it in!
Don’t worry Misty we had to do burpees since Lei was late 😛
A. 58# snatches, worked on faster 2nd pull
B. 10 with purple band
C. 4+23 @ 113#
D. 70 DU
CONGRATS to Liz on first chin up!!!
This is sadly true…
The late part, not the Liz chin up part!
Congrats, Liz!! That was awesome 😀
Happy birthday Misty!
A. OHS @ 58#
C. 3+27 (one freakin DU away from 4 rds. This kinda ticked me off) at 103# Then 56 DUs.
Oh, and in between B & C I got my first unassisted chin-up. Woot!
a month ago, Liz was all like, “OK, I want a chinup”. I think I put her up to a 9/1/13 target date (which at the time I thought was slightly aggressive but definitely doable)
It’s not magic, folks. Just hard work!
Congrats Liz!
A: snatch @ 105. Much thanks to Jen for some first pull correction, now just need to remember to lock out my arms and shoulders overhead
B: 13
C: 6 rounds even, 40 du’s
Happy Birthday!!!