Classes at 9AM and 10AM today. All other classes cancelled. Regular schedule resumes tomorrow.
Several new posts published! Check them out!
WOD 09 01 14
A (F). OTM [12]: OHS (12 x 6)
A (P). (Snatch + OHS) x 7
B. [C18]: In teams of 3 with 1PW@T: (Bold = P)
60 C&J (135/95) / Thrusters (95/65)
4 Tire flips
90 Strict Pullups
4 Tire flips
120 T2B
4 Tire flips
With remaining time, teammates take turns to do 1 set of muscle ups OR dips. Teammates must rotate in the same order. Score is total reps completed within [18].
Post times, loads, and comments.
09 01 14