Roger Thruster 14.5

Regular schedule resumes today.

Several new posts published to our Members’ Site!  Check them out!

WOD 09 02 14


A1. OTM [14]: Strict HSPU (45/25) (T&G; do not rest on ground) 7 sets of (4-8 reps).  Adjust deficit to promote full ROM.

A2. OTM [14]: Double KB Press (7×5)


B. OTM (“Death by”*):

  • 6 Thrusters (95/65)
  • 6 Pullups
  • 6 Burpees



A1. OTM [14]: Double DB/KB Strict Press (7×5)

A2. OTM [14]: Strict Def Pushup (6-10 reps)


B. OTM (“Death by”*):

  • 6 Thrusters (weight should allow unbroken sets)
  • 6 KBS
  • 1 Burpee(s).  The # of burpees stays constant for 2 min, and increases by 1 every 2 min. (1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5…)

*The workout continues as long as the work is completed within the minute.  If work is complete within the minute, rest until start of next minute.  The workout is over when the work can no longer be completed within the minute.

Post times, loads, and comments.

09 02 14
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One thought on “09 02 14

  • 09 02 2014 at 11:42 am

    P. 2/2/3 – Still feeling the mile run somehow, and OHS
    A1. Can’t do deficit yet. Trained on plates with Abmats to get feel for hand position and to get as low as possible. 3-4 reps each set. [8]
    A2. 20#. Stayed here rather than burning it out and making A1 even more difficult. [2]
    B. 4+12, 65#. This was near immediate Death. I only had 9 seconds of rest after first round. I switched to the burpee ladder from Fitness for the next three sets so I could get more rounds. Would have been fine EOMOM, or lower reps. [7]

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