Daniel First Muscle Up

WOD 09 13 14


A. Front Lever Negative: From an inverted hang, begin in a tucked position and slowly lower yourself to a normal hang position as slowly as possible.  If you are able to make 1 rep last >8 seconds, extend 1 leg or both legs.

B. FT [C20]:

50 WB (20/14) (10’/9′)
45 DU
40 T2B
35 Cal Row
30 CTB Pullups
25 Burpees
20 Cleans (any style) (145/100)
15 STO (any style) (145/100)
10 Snatches (any style) (145/100)
5 Ring Muscle ups



A. Skin the cat 4 sets of 2-4 reps

B. FT [C20]:

50 WB (20/14), (10/9)
45 target touches (4″).  To perform this, reach and touch an object 4″ above normal standing reach from a normal standing position.  This can be performed repeatedly in a “bounding” fashion or with a standing pause between reps.  If a fixed object (pullup bar) is less than 4″ above your standing reach, try to touch the bar with a point on your hand lower than the fingertips. (i.e. palm)
40 Hanging Leg Raises or lying leg raises w/ Abmat
35 KB Swings (53/35)
30 Horizontal Body Rows
25 Burpees
20 Strict Pushups
15 Cal Row

10 Strict Pullups

5 Burpee Broad Jumps

Post times, loads, and comments.

Best of luck to Carly today as she competes in the Out of Step Barbell Open in Greensboro today!

09 13 14

One thought on “09 13 14

  • 09 15 2014 at 3:35 pm

    Great picture, Daniel! Congratulations on the Barbell Open, Carly!

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