WOD 09 19 14
A. BS 8×3
B. AMRAP [1:30]: Snatch (185/120). Select a weight between 75-80% your 1RM.
C. “Elizabeth”
FT [C10]: 21-15-9 of
Cleans (any style) (135/95)
Ring Dips
A. BS 8×3
B. AMRAP [4]: Strict Pushup
C. FT [C10]: 30-20-10 of
KBS (53/35)
Snatch Clinic on a weeknight (Next Monday)!
Post times, loads, and comments.
09 19 14
I thought this might be ‘comment’ worthy of other newbs
A. 225 (noticeably higher weight and greater form/range of motion after following coaches instructions for 2 weeks)
B. 74 I was able to do 30 non stop and had to do the rest in bunches of 10, 7, etc..)
C. 53# KB, used boxes on tallest edge for dips while suspending legs (i find the walkers too narrow)
119 Reps at 10:00, needed another 13 seconds to get that last dip.
That’s great Tom!
A. worked on complex PC+PJ+SpJ up to 135
B. 7 @95#….body kept dropping into a squat after i specifically told it to not squat for 2 weeks…
C. 5:58 (pushups in place of dips)
P. 1/2/1
A. 165#. Felt super heavy, even for three. [8]
B. 6 at 85# from the hang. Felt okay once I’d actually drop. [6]
C. PU, this was terrible. Definitely my worst cleans in a while, at least from my point of view. 115#, only made it through the 15s at 10 minutes.