WOD 09 24 12
A. 30 minutes to establish both a
- 1RM Hang Power Clean
- 1RM Full Clean
B. For time:
50 Double Unders
Power Clean (135/95)
Abmat situps (Adv: GHD)
50 Double Unders
C. ME Strict T2B
Post loads and times to comments.
09 24 12
Tfoots keeping that weight back on her heels very nicely.
This is one front squat that looks almost nothing like the original.
Mighty fine.
I wonder if any boys will clean over 250 today.
225 is my goal.
Hang clean: 145#
Squat clean: 165#
WOD: 6:35
Strict T2B: 10
Hang power snatched 225 for a lifetime best.
Couldn’t manage 225 for the full clean. The weight just kept crashing on me.
Went 13:07 for the metcon, Rx (Very proud that my last 50 DUs were unbroken).
1 strict TTB in a row.
Hang power snatch or clean?
pretty good hang power snatch Phil
140# for both hang power and full squat cleans.
13:35 Rx (adv)
Stict T2B – 0
133 for the HPC
103 for the full squat clean
kept it light just to do the movement since I haven’t actually done a squat clean in probably 6 months, they were feeling pretty good, but I probably won’t do another one for another few months…
Metcon: 13:33 with 95lbs and T2B instead of situps,
did my first set of cleans from the floor until it was a little to straining on my hips and then switched it to HPC for the rest of the metcon, just something else i figured i’d see if i could do and quickly realized…not a good idea…
strict T2B: didn’t attempt, 45 kipping in the metcon was enough for this pregnant lady 😛
185 hpc
195 clean (throwing weight out front like a tool so failed 205# 3 times)
metcon 9:50 rx
strict straight leg t2b = 6