A. OHS 5-4-3-2-1-1-1-1
*60,70,80,90,100% of 1RM snatch then build to a H1

B. AMRAP [25]
Buy-in 3000-2500m Bike
Max rounds with remaining time:
1rd CTB Cindy
30 DU
5 Hang Squat Snatch 115/85
*subs for bike: 1500/1250m Row, 1200m Run, 1200/1000m ski


A. Same or FS

B. AMRAP [25]
Buy-in 3000-2500m Bike
Max rounds with remaining time:
1rd Cindy
30 SU
5 GS or KB Taters

WU: 2x
15JJ + 10 AS + 5 walkouts


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