WOD 10 01 13
A1. BTN Snatch Grip Push Press (5×6) @ 60%-75% 1RM Snatch
A2. Weighted Dip 5×3 AHAP
B. 10 minutes for Ring Work (select)
- Skin the cat: 10 total reps
- False Grip Holds: 5 sets x 10-20 sec.
- Strict MU: EMOM x 7: 1-3 reps (add wt if needed)
C. 6 rounds of [Work time/Rest time]:
Strict Pullup [0:10/0:20]
Squats [0:20/0:10] (Adv: Pistols)
Pushup [0:15/0:15] (Adv: HSPU)
Burpee [0:20/0:10]
Finish all 6 rounds of each movement before moving to next movement.
Post times, loads, and comments.
10 01 13
A1. 155
A2. 93
B. this happened
C. …. I’m the red power ranger
Lei, I’ve been hacked
Sounds like a personal problem