WOD 10 11 12
A. 12 minutes to establish a 1RM Thruster
B. Front Squat (5@75%, 5@75%, 5@75%)
C. 12 min AMRAP
15 KB Swings (53/35)
12 Sandbag lunges (60/40)
20 Double Unders
EMOM Perform x burpees where x = # of min elapsed.
Post loads, times and comments.
10 11 12
That judge was my dude all day. Genuinely encouraging, even though we’d never met before.
CrossFit competitions are cool like that, generally speaking.
Lookin good Phillygoat!
That feller in the back looks jelly.
A. 188 thruster (hi Seamus).
B. 190×5 3 times.
C. 3+15 Rx (hi Seamus).
There needs to be some sort of handicap for doing the same wod at 6am that you’re doing in the afternoon.
Picking on Seamus 🙂
145# thruster boo. Should have been 150
175 for front squats
2+37 53# kb swings 60# lunges and started at 5 burpees increasing by 1
This was tough! Haven’t felt like this in a while. Thanks Phil and lei for the push
I agree, it was tough! And not in a fun “I’m dying but I’m getting a really good workout in” kind of way. No, this was a “are you frickin kidding me, the minute’s up?! I hate the world” kind of way. Thanks morning peeps for dealing with an exceptionally grumpy Maggie 1 this morning 🙂
No worries. Glad to see you back and not waiting until the afternoon when the wods are easier. Hi phil.