Thanks to the following folks who came out to our painting party on Sunday: Dallas, Matt, Liz, Eron, Greg, Kara, Mike, Alex, Kim, Dunsey! You guys rock! (On a related note, please excuse the mess near the walls until we are done with the modifications! Thanks!)
WOD 10 14 13
A. Back Squat 6×6 (80%). If you have missed a few BS days, perform 3-5 reps/set.
B. Barbell Back Rack Lunge (3×10) where each step is 1 rep.
C. Select one gymnastics movement to work on (weakness). (I.e. Pullup/Row/T2B/Situp/Pushup/Dip/Pistol/Squat)
From 0:00-4:30, every 30 sec (10 sets), perform 3-6 reps.
From 5:00-12:00, every 1 min (8 sets), perform 3-8 reps.
D. “Death by kettle-goat”:
Min 1: 2 KBS (53/35)
Min 2: 2 reps of ‘goat’
Min 3: 4 KBS (53/35)
Min 4: 4 reps of ‘goat’
Continue until you cannot complete the amount of work within the time.
Post times, loads, and comments.
A clip of video from tomorrow:
Greg, you are winning at the Internet.
Everything is going according to plan… 😀