WOD 10 23 13

A. Snatch work: select either

  • Overhead Squat: 4×3. Attempt a 3RM if things feel solid.
  • Snatch work (Adv): 2 position snatch (pause below knee + floor)

B. Familiarize yourself with a barbell pushup*.

C. For time [C12]:

9-6-3 of [OHS (135/95), CTB Pullups]**

30 BB Pushups + 30 Burpees (broken up anyhow)

3-6-9 of : [OHS, CTB Pullups]

*Using OHS bar, grip bar at slightly wider than shoulder width.  Lower until chest contacts bar.  Rx = elevate feet to bar height.

**If your OHS form is still developing, use a manageable weight and increase reps to (15-12-9) and (9-12-15) respectively.

Post times, loads, and comments.



10 23 13