Garage Gym

A. q(1:30) x 5
1 Pausing Clean DL
1 Tempo Clean Pull
1 Clean Pull
*72-77-82-82-82% of 1RM CJ

B. q(1:30) x 5
1 Pausing Snatch DL
1 Tempo Snatch Pull
1 Snatch Pull
*72-77-82-82-82% of 1RM Snatch

C. AMRAP [5]
Buy-in 100 DU
Into max rounds
6 lateral DB burpees
12 DB FS

Rest [5]

Buy-in 100 DU
Into max rounds
6 lateral DB burpees
9 DB Thrusters

Rest [5]

Buy-in 100 DU
Into max rounds
6 lateral DB burpees
6 DB Clusters

Home Workout (Bodyweight/Limited Equip)

A. AMRAP [5]
Buy-in 100 DU/SU/Line hops
Into max rounds
6 lateral DB burpees
12 DB FS

Rest [5]

Buy-in 100 DU
Into max rounds
6 lateral DB burpees
9 DB Thrusters

Rest [5]

Buy-in 100 DU
Into max rounds
6 lateral DB burpees
6 DB Clusters

B. 4 Sets
:30 max single DB Triceps Extension
:30 max double DB Russian KBS
:30 max banded pull-aparts
Rest 1:30

WU: 3x
15cal row + 10 pass-throughs + 10 OHS


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