Our HOLIDAY PARTY  is tonight!


WOD 12 14 13

A. Skill: Turkish Get up: 3×4 (2L + 2R).  Work up to a challenging but manageable load.

B. Triangle Invitational WOD 4

In teams of 4: 12 min CAP

25 BS (225)

25 BS (155)

100 Total T2B

Then, in alternating pairs:

8 STO (155/115) while partner in flex hang/hang tuck.  Partner pairs will alternate.

C.  In 8 min, with 1PW@T, as an entire class:

AMRAP Strict Pullups/Chinups.   Rotate through entire class 1 turn (1 set) for entire 8 min.  Sub a flex Hang (10 sec = 1 pullup).

Post times, loads, and comments.

Nina Troy TI WOD 4


12 14 13