Our HOLIDAY PARTY is tonight! WOD 12 14 13 A. Skill: Turkish Get up: 3×4 (2L + 2R). Work up to a challenging but manageable load. B. Triangle Invitational WOD 4 In teams of 4: 12 min CAP 25 BS (225) 25
12 02 13
Snatch Clinic this Tuesday at 6:00PM! Movement Standards Training highlights from last week! Here’s what we will be doing through the new year! WOD 12 02 13 A1. Back Squat: (5 @ 59%, 5@ 68%, ME@ 77%). Target 10+ reps.
11 25 13
Testing, Training, Competing: know the difference. Holiday schedule: Wed 11/27: Normal schedule Thurs 11/28: Closed Fri 11/29: 10AM, 11AM WOD 11 25 13 We’ll be doing some ‘testing’ this week! A. 20 min to establish a 1RM BS (Beginners: