Volunteers needed! Interested in getting some grassfed beef?! WOD 07 22 13 A. BS (1×8@ 65%, 1×8@70%, 1×6@80%, 1×6@85%) B. Tabata rounds (Sets 1-6 = PU, 7-12 = Situps, 13-18 = WB, 19-24 = Burps) 6 x (20 sec
07 15 13
Great job to everyone who competed at the “SuperFit Games Raleigh” this past Saturday! Kris’s team got 4th and Kim’s got 2nd! Recap here. Thanks to everyone who came out to support us on Saturday! Check out our Events!
07 08 13
Nutrition Challenge starts today! WOD 07 08 13 A. BS (1×10@ 60%, 1×8@65%, 1×8@70%, 1×8@75%). B1. Bent Over Row 3×6 AHAP. Minimal to no rest after Rows. B2. 20 second flex hang (supinated grip) x 3. Rest up to 2-3