WOD 11 17 14 A1. BS 6×4 Across* A2. 6 x [1 set CTBPU / 5 K-Pullup / Kip practice (without pull)] B1. 5 sets: Max Parallete L sit or hollow hold. Rest for remainder of min. B2. Horiz
11 10 14
WOD 11 10 14 A (P). OTM [5]: 5-8 Strict Pullup (AHAP) B (P). OTM [5]:4-8 K-CTBPU (any style) A/B (F). OTM [10]: 6 Barbell Bent-Over Rows. Try not to use momentum. C1. BS (6×5) across C2. 1 -arm DB
10 17 14
WOD 10 17 14 A. Back Squat 8×3 B. 3RFT [T9/C14]: 27 WB (20/14, 10′) 9 Burpee Box Overs(30″/24″) 15 Ring Dips *Perform ring dips from the high rings if you have MU. C. Hollow Rock 3 x 1:00. Rest 2 min between