Beef Update! Social 8/23! If you want in on fantasy football, email! WOD 08 17 13 A. OHS (5-5-3-3-2-2-1-1-1-1-1) B. BTN Snatch Grip PP (4×3) @ 65% max from (A) C. In teams of 2, 4
08 09 13
Nutrition Challenge Results to be announced Monday! Any guesses for the winning team and individuals? Update on our beef! WOD 08 09 13 A. Push Press (3@70%, 3@75%, 5×2@85%) B. “Filthy Fifty” 50 Box Jumps (24/20) 50 Jumping Pullups
07 13 13
Workouts at 9AM and 10AM only! If you are bringing a friend have them come to 10AM! (Then come out to CrossFit Invoke to root for your fellow RTP crew as they compete today!) WOD 07 13 13 A.