05 24 14

The Mid-Atlantic Regionals continue today!  Kim’s events are at the following times, so tune into the streaming events LIVE at games.crossfit.com/ Events 4: 12:20PM Event 5: 3:50PM Check back on our FB page for updates – we will also do our best to update

05 17 14

WOD 05 17 14 A. [25]: 1RM Clean (Adv: C&J) B. “Filthy Fifty” *Scale to “Dirty Thirty” [40] 50 Box jump (24″) 50 Jumping pull-ups 50 KBS (35) 50 Walking Lunge steps 50 K2E 50 PP (45) 50 Back extensions 50

05 05 14

Send Kim to Regionals T shirt Fundraiser! Next week (starting 5/12) is TESTING WEEK!  (Well, it’s actually a week and a half 5/12 – 5/20 but we’ll call it a week for short)  For most of you, we’ll get to