CrossFit Games Open starts next Thursday! Get signed up on our team! WOD 02 21 14 16 min: A1: EMOM Even: FS (1×3) @ 83%. A2: EMOM: Odd: 1 arm DB/KB Press (1 set of 6-8 reps per arm
01 14 13
Carolina Fitness Challenge Recap: I apologize for the long post in advance, but a lot of stuff happened Saturday and the atmosphere was electric. Wish everyone could have made it out but here’s how our athletes did. Event 1: (Ring
10 01 12
WOD 10 01 12 A1. 6×1 (1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Front Squat) AHAP A2. 6×1 (1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk) AHAP B. 3 rounds for time: Sprint 150m 10 u/b Hang Squat