As most of you know, Kristen has worked her tail off and has qualified for the Regional competition in Landover, MD. She’s put in the work, but travel costs and registration costs add up. To help offset some of those
04 27 13
Check out our upcoming events! WOD 04 27 13 A. 20 min to establish a 1RM Clean and Jerk. Don’t be reckless. Add weight based on ‘feel’. B. In teams of 2 or 3: 1 person working at a
04 13 13
There is a local CrossFit competition this Sunday at CrossFit Invoke (downtown Raleigh) if anyone is interested (it’s for a great cause!) Teams of 2 male or 2 female. We currently have 5 athletes competing (Matt, Roger, Kim, Misty, Dallas). If