CrossFit Games Viewing Party 7/26 afternoon! Details here! WOD 07 25 13 A. EMOM (20 min): Even: 3 position Clean (Floor+Hang+HiHang) @ 60% 1RM Odd: 4 Pistols + 6 burpees B. 5 Rounds: 7 DL (245/155) 35 Double Unders
07 20 13
One more time! Carolina Phoenix! Come out and watch some championship level football! (Did you know our own Murphie Chappell is an all star on this team?) WOD 07 20 13 A. 20 minutes to work up to a
07 04 13
Gear up for our upcoming nutrition challenge starting July 8th! Our last seminar to go over the basics and rules is Saturday 7/6 @ 1:00PM! WOD 07 04 13 Holiday Schedule: 9AM, 10AM, 4PM. All other classes cancelled. Happy