WOD 06 14 14 A. EMOM [20]: Split Jerk (light to work technique – no misses). If you decide to go heavier, do so in last 3 reps. B. In teams of 2, with 1PW@T: (Partner A /Partner B) [21]: 500m
06 11 14
WOD 06 11 14 A. DL (3@63%,3@72%,ME@81%) B. Weighted Front Rack BB Lunge (Step forward, step back (4×14 = 7L,7R) C. 4 attempts for max rep KBS. Stop before form is compromised. Score is sum of 4 sets. Rest as much as
06 04 14
Ping Pong! – Eron “Thank You!” – Kim 2014 Regionals Recap – Chef This weekend we will have a few athletes competing at the Capital City Games! Come out and help cheer them on! Address is 6808-100 Davis Circle, Raleigh, North Carolina 27613.