CrossFit Games Open 2014 Photos! – (Thanks Greg!) Safety, Barbell Training, and Gym Rules! WOD 04 21 14 A. BS (3×10 @ 70%) B1. Glute Ham Raise (3×10 AHAP) B2. Good Morning (3×10 Mod-Heavy) C. FT [14]: 40 WB
04 15 14
2 more folks (Kim and Smitti) joined the bodyweight snatch club this past week! Schedule Update! If you want to improve your snatch, come to our Snatch clinic today at 6:30PM! WOD 04 15 14 A. (Hang Squat
03 26 14
Joey O Bocce Classic – 4/27 Save the date: 4/11! WOD 03 26 14 A. Deadlift (5-5-5) @ 77%. Watch out for hitching. B1. Glute Ham Raise (3×10) Add weight if needed. B2. Weighted Stationary Lunge (3×6 each leg).