10 04 13

WOD 10 04 13 A. 5×3 Front Squat @ 80% B. EMOM (10 min): Even: Strict Pullup (3-10 reps) Odd: Strict HSPU (on AMB) or Strict DB Press (3-8 reps) C. AMRAP 12 min: 3-6-9-12-15-18…DB Snatches (60/40) 12 GHD Situps

08 24 13

WOD 08 24 13 A1. Split Jerk (6×3) @ 50-60% 1RM Jerk (can be BTN).  Focus on speed and footwork. A2. Skin the cat (6×2) (Adv: Front Lev Neg) B. In teams of 2, 1 PW@T [C25] 150 Wallballs (20/14,10′) 120