Labor Day Weekend Schedule: Sat (8/31): Normal Schedule Sun (9/1): Normal Schedule Mon (9/2): 9AM, 10AM (all other classes cancelled) WOD 08 30 13 A1. Snatch Balance or OHS (2-2-2-2) A2. Ring Work (Strict MU Work/Static support/Skin the cat)
07 09 13
WOD 07 09 13 A. 1 Clean + 1 Front Squat + Jerk EMOM (10 min). Score is sum of all weights. B. 10 min to work on MU Transition skill work (banded/Neg) C. EMOM: 1 Clean and Jerk (185/125)
06 18 13
Bring a buddy! This Thursday (all classes) and Saturday (all classes) are going to be free for anyone to come to! This would be a great opportunity to bring someone (a family member? A friend? Coworker?) who has been curious about