6AM WOD is CANCELLED DUE TO ROAD CONDITIONS. AFTERNOON CLASSES ARE STILL ON. CHECK BACK BY 1PM IF WE MAKE ANY ADDITIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. Congratulations to everyone who took on 14.1! What an awesome showing! Several of you got your first
02 24 14
Do it! Joe is “All In” CrossFit Games Open Update 2/22/14 WOD 02 24 14 A. OHS (3×5 AHAP). Remember this movement is about control! Take it slow and control the weight! B. Strict Pushup: 4 min Pushup test
02 03 14
CrossFit Games Open 2014 has arrived! WOD 02 02 14 A. 20 minutes to establish a 1RM Back Squat. Don’t leave any doubt about that depth! B. 3×3 @ 75% of part (A) C. Pullup ME sets: Establish a max