WOD 05 28 13 A. Back Squat B. Press (5@68%, 3@77%, ME@86%) C. 3 RFT [T8/C10]: 15 OHS (95/65) 15 KTE 15 Plank-ups Adv: 5RFT, [C12]: AMRAP Rope Climbs with remaining time. Post times, loads, and comments.
05 18 13
WOD 05 18 13 A. Clean and Jerk 10×1. Technique > load. B. Weighted Pullups 5-5-3-3-1-1-1-1. AHAP while hitting reps. C. In teams of 2 (one person working at a time): 12 min CAP: 3-6-9-12-15 Clean and Jerks (135/95) 30
04 15 13
Here’s our training plan for the next 8 weeks. Get excited! Happy Birthday to our own M1! Awesome job to Matt & Roger (4th place), Misty & D$ (2nd place), and Kim and her friend Ashley (1st place) for their