WOD 05 16 14 A. [20] 1RM OHS B. [10] Max set DU C. “Grace”: 30 C&J NFT (135/95) (Adv: FT) D. (Optional EC – to be done after class: 30 MU FT) Comments: Why did the chicken cross the
05 09 14
Send Kim to Regionals T shirt Fundraiser! Make sure you email us by 5/11! WOD 05 09 14 A. OHS (4×5) AHAP. {Back Squat 5×5} B. EMOM [8]: Strict Dip (1 set/min) C. 3 RFT: Row 500m 15 OHS
05 03 14
Time to bring a friend! – To help us plan, please email us and let us know how many you’re bringing and to which class WOD 05 03 14 A. Snatch work select: Work up to a heavy set of 3