WOD 12 04 13 A1. Deadlift: (5@59%, 5@68%, ME@77%). Target 10+ reps. Use a mix grip. A2. Pullups: 3×5 weighed wide grip pullups. (or program). B. 3 RFT: 16 Burpees 14 T2B 12 Front Rack Box Step Ups (above knee height). Select a manageable
12 02 13
Snatch Clinic this Tuesday at 6:00PM! Movement Standards Training highlights from last week! Here’s what we will be doing through the new year! WOD 12 02 13 A1. Back Squat: (5 @ 59%, 5@ 68%, ME@ 77%). Target 10+ reps.
11 26 13
Holiday schedule: Wed 11/27: Normal schedule Thurs 11/28: Closed Fri 11/29: 10AM, 11AM IMPROMPTU PULLUP/MUSCLE UP CLINIC TONIGHT AT 6PM! There is a competition in Greensboro (War of the WODs) on Jan 25/26th. If you are thinking of competing,