Starting next week, for the month of Sept, we will adding a 7AM class to Mondays and Thursdays as a trial. WOD 08 26 13 A1. Back Squat 5×5 @ 75% A2. Box Jump 5×5 (box @ Mid-Thigh height).
08 24 13
WOD 08 24 13 A1. Split Jerk (6×3) @ 50-60% 1RM Jerk (can be BTN). Focus on speed and footwork. A2. Skin the cat (6×2) (Adv: Front Lev Neg) B. In teams of 2, 1 PW@T [C25] 150 Wallballs (20/14,10′) 120
08 10 13
WOD 08 10 13 A. 20 minutes to establish a 1RM Clean and Jerk B. In teams of 2, with 1PW@T, complete 8 Rounds (Not FT): 1 “HoneyBadger” Complex 1 Unbroken set of pullups 1 Unbroken set of dips or