MLK Day Holiday Schedule: 7AM, 10AM, 6:30PM All other classes cancelled. WOD 01 18 14 A1. Skin the cat: 3×4. Spend some time inverted if new to movement. A2. Hollow Rocks 5×12 B. “Filthy Fifty” *Scale to “Dirty Thirty”
01 10 14
Our nutrition challenge starts on Monday 1/13! Email if you’re in! “BulletProof Coffee” – by Anmar Who wants to go skiing? WOD 01 10 14 A. Push Press: (5@59%, 5@68%, ME@77%). Add 5 lbs to previous 1RM and then calculate
01 03 14
Check out our 2014 Nutrition Challenge details! Mock team competition WODs on Sunday Open Gym (1/5). All teams competing in War of the WODs should try to attend! WOD 01 03 14 A. Skin the cat 6×1. Each rep starts and