Movie night (This Sunday!)! Who’s in? CrossFit RTP Holiday Party! Mark your calendars for 12/14! Who wants some awesome shorts? MEMBERS: We now no longer require a login to comment on the blog, but for those of you who
09 27 13
Exciting news folks! Starting next Monday, 9/30, we will be extending our 7:00AM class to Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for the entire month of October! (We will not have Thursday 7:00AM classes in October) WOD 09 27 13 A.
09 10 13
WOD 09 10 13 A. EMOM: 8×2 Push Press (weight does not decrease) B. EMOM: 8×1 Push Jerk. First 2 PJ should be less than last rep of A. C. 4 RFT (scale to 3RFT if needed): Run 400m 25