Labor Day Weekend Schedule: Sat (8/31): Normal Schedule Sun (9/1): Normal Schedule Mon (9/2): 9AM, 10AM (all other classes cancelled) WOD 08 31 13 A. 25 min to establish a 1RM Clean and Jerk (no pressouts!) B. EMOM, perform: 1
08 20 13
Beef Update! Social 8/23! WOD 08 20 13 A. Handstand balance practice (bailing/walking/kicking up to handstand/shoulder touches). B. EMOM (20 min): Even: 5-15 Pushups (perfect form) Odd: 1-8 Strict Pullups/Body Rows C. For time: Run 1 mile D.
08 01 13
WOD 08 01 13 A. Back Squat (6@65%, 6@75%, 6@80%, 6@80%) B. GHR (3×6 AHAP) C. 8 min Perform each exercise as long as you can until you start to lose pace and slow down, then immediately switch to the