Holiday Schedule: Normal hours thru 12/23 12/24: Closed 12/25: Closed 12/26: 5PM WOD only. All other classes cancelled. WOD 12 18 12 A1. (Deload) Bench Press: (5@36%, 5@45%, 5@54%) A2. 3×8 Deficit Pushups (using 45# plates x 2 high)
11 13 12
FOOTBALL! WOD 11 13 12 We will be heading into another strength cycle so let’s collect some baseline data! The more accurate the data, the better the results. For big lifts, get within (+/-) 5 lbs, and for lifts
11 10 12
WOD 11 10 12 A. Snatch Balance 1-1-1-1-1 B. “Olive Martini” (aka Christine’s Birthday WOD) 1 Rope Climb Run 400m 1 Rope Climb 20 Burpees 1 Rope Climb 30 GHD Situps 1 Rope Climb 40 Box Jumps (24″) 1 Rope Climb