WOD 11 28 12 A1. Hollow Rocks 3×10 A2. TGU 3×4 (Set of 4 = 2 each arm). Work up to a heavy but manageable load. B. Snatch 10×1 with perfect form. We don’t care about weight today. OHS if
11 12 12
Happy Birthday to Phil! WOD 11 12 12 A. In 40 minutes, use [3 official attempts to establish a max Snatch 3 official attempts to establish a max Clean & Jerk] *This WOD will run like an Olympic Weightlifting competition,
10 19 12
Saturday WOD’s are cancelled! We will be giving back to the community instead! WOD 10 19 12 A. 25 minutes to work on either 2 position snatch (novice) or 3 position snatch (intermediate) or if OHS is inadequate, get after it.