Happy Birthday to Lorena! WOD 08 06 13 A. Skill: BTN Split Jerk: 10×1. Focus on correct footwork and speed. Go heavier (80%+) if both are there. B1. Strict Dip 5 sets for max total reps. (Adv: MU Neg after each
07 19 13
One more time! Carolina Phoenix! WOD 07 19 13 A1 .Bench Press (5xME@45% – AFAP u/b sets). Minimize rest during A1/A2. A2. Def. Pushup (5xME – AFAP). (Target >5 reps). Hands & feet under 45#. Rest up to 2
07 04 13
Gear up for our upcoming nutrition challenge starting July 8th! Our last seminar to go over the basics and rules is Saturday 7/6 @ 1:00PM! WOD 07 04 13 Holiday Schedule: 9AM, 10AM, 4PM. All other classes cancelled. Happy