WOD 10 06 14 A. FS 6×6 B. Bulgarian Split Squat (DB/KB) 3×10 each leg C. 3RFT : Row 500m 30 T2B 30 Hip Extensions/Superman Post times, loads, and comments.
09 01 14
Classes at 9AM and 10AM today. All other classes cancelled. Regular schedule resumes tomorrow. Several new posts published! Check them out! WOD 09 01 14 A (F). OTM [12]: OHS (12 x 6) A (P). (Snatch + OHS) x 7
08 08 14
WOD 08 08 14 A. FS (3@63%,3@72%,ME@81%) B. “Jackie” Row 1000m 50 Thrusters (45) 30 Pullups C. AMRAP [4]: 40 WB (20/14) 20 T2B 10 C&J (135/95) Post times, loads, and comments.