WOD 08 24 13 A1. Split Jerk (6×3) @ 50-60% 1RM Jerk (can be BTN). Focus on speed and footwork. A2. Skin the cat (6×2) (Adv: Front Lev Neg) B. In teams of 2, 1 PW@T [C25] 150 Wallballs (20/14,10′) 120
08 21 13
Social 8/23! WOD 08 21 13 A. Push Jerk (6×2, 3×1). Work up to as heavy of a single as you can while maintaining form. B. 12 min: Cash in: 4 rounds (Adv:6 rounds) of: 6 STO (135/95) 9 T2B
08 09 13
Nutrition Challenge Results to be announced Monday! Any guesses for the winning team and individuals? Update on our beef! WOD 08 09 13 A. Push Press (3@70%, 3@75%, 5×2@85%) B. “Filthy Fifty” 50 Box Jumps (24/20) 50 Jumping Pullups