WOD 01 09 13
A. [1 HPC + 1 HSC + 1 FS + PJ] x 6. Add wt. with comfort level. Adv may Split Jerk.
B. EMOM (16 min): (NFT)
Even (0:00, 2:00…): 6 “High” Box Jumps
Odd(1:00…): 3 Unbroken Squat Cleans (135/95). Increasing weight allowed after 5:00.
C. Max Weighted Plank Hold (45/35)
Post times, loads, comments.
01 09 13
Thats a nice jerk right thur
A. Worked up to 88# and would have tried higher if I hadn’t scraped my shin…oops :-/
B. 24″ box, started with 78# UB but had to drop to 73# broken for last few sets
C. 1:01
Scraping your shin on anything other than a box on box-jumping day is a major win.
Wanted to wear shorts to work out in even though it’s January 9th. No problem.
Extra credit: Before coaching 4:30, snuck in five sets of 225×5 back squats
A. Worked up to 195
B. Worked up to 38.5″ box jumps / 135 # squat cleans
C. Skipped it like a chump.