Regular schedule today despite the snow-pocalypse.  Be safe out there!

Best of luck to coach Kris today as she competes in Greensboro!  (Meaghan and Kim will compete tomorrow)


WOD 01 26 13

A. 10 min to establish a 1RM Strict Weighted Chinup

B. AMRAP 6 minutes: Strict PU/CU/RR.  You may only begin attempts EMOM (max of 6 sets).  Coming off the bar dictates the end of a set.  ROM = chin over bar, arms to full extension.  If you are L1, L2, perform standard pullup protocol.

C. AMRAP 4 minutes: Strict Pushups.  Knees touching the ground dictates end of a set.  Partner up and have a partner count.  Chest to deck, folks!  No rules on starting/ending sets.

D. For time in teams of 2 (one person working at a time),

100 KB Swings

100 Back Squats (115/85)*

100 Slamballs (30/20)

100 Squats

All movements must be completed before moving onto the next movement.

*Use 40%-50% 1RM or 50%-55% 3RM.

Post loads, times and comments.

Kris Back Squat Setup

01 26 13
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5 thoughts on “01 26 13

  • 01 26 2013 at 11:48 am

    +62# weighted chin-up
    15, 3, 4, 4, 3, 4 pull-ups
    20, 9, 7, 8 push-ups
    Partner WOD with ED: 16:51 Rx(!)

    Thanks, Ed, for not letting me slack!

    • 01 26 2013 at 5:13 pm

      Yay girl, go get it!!! Good luck to all our RTP ladies representing in Greensboro!!

  • 01 26 2013 at 5:34 pm

    Went into the gym today for funsies.
    Added five pounds to my previous 1RM front squat since I missed it last week. 270lbs.
    Worked up to 205 overhead squat (1RM is 215). Had real trouble getting it overhead.
    Worked on snatches for a bit. Took some slo-mo video of me missing 175 twice (1RM is 185). Pretty interesting footage (to me). Got the bar very high, but could not keep it overhead.

    • 01 26 2013 at 7:54 pm

      Nice, Philly Goat!!
      I love slo-mo video day!!

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