Social this Thursday (Trivia)!


WOD 02 13 13

A1. Power Clean* (adv) or Hang Power Clean (nov) 5×3.  These are working sets (not warmups).  Shoot for >85% 1RM Power Clean weight.  When starting from the floor, rest 3-10 seconds between reps.  These should not be T&G.

B1. Handstand Hold: Accumulate 2 minutes total (adv: 4 min) in an inverted support.  Scale with feet/toes on box is allowed.

C. AMRAP 8 min:

18 HPC (115/75)

18 WB (20/14)

12 HPC

12 WB


6 WB

The above is 1 round.  After each round, add 20 lbs to the bar.  Score is total reps.

Post times, loads, and comments.

Dorian Clean Extension

02 13 13
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4 thoughts on “02 13 13

  • 02 13 2013 at 3:16 pm

    A. HPC wt 135#. They were ugly. Need serious work on hip pop.
    B. Two min broken up into four sets.
    C. Made it through one full round using 95#. Forearms were pretty fried by end, and I failed at 115 as the last few seconds ticked off clock.

  • 02 14 2013 at 10:16 am

    Saw lots of fast(er) elbows today.
    Lisa and Gary’s both had really nice improvement regarding early pulls and Lori’s clean was very tight, as usual.
    I think most athletes in the gym are now competent weightlifters. If anyone travels in the near or distant future, hopefully you’ll hit up a box on an Oly lifting day so you can compare your/our form with theirs.
    I hypothesize that your form will be much better.

  • 02 14 2013 at 1:19 pm

    I have to say that I think my clean for is finally getting “cleaned” up… Ha!
    A. PC at 90#. Some were good, some were sloppy.
    B. Check
    C. I got through 64 reps with 70#. That stupid 15# bar felt like a cheese grater! And my grip totally went numb/got fatigued just a few reps in.

  • 02 14 2013 at 4:39 pm

    I <3 wallballs at the arch (no I really don't)

    PC at 145 for some sets. Shoulder is still funny.

    Ended up 2 reps short of 2 complete rounds. Was whiny about using multiple 5# on the bar for 75# and then about doing wallballs at the arched hole. For my first round of 18 in pretty sure I chased the ball more than I hit my target.

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