Want to improve your Olympic lifts? Let’s work on them (Snatch Clinic!!)
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WOD 02 20 13
A. Back Squat: find a 20 rep max. See comments for details.
B. [10 min AMRAP:
7 Wizzywigs (135/95)
20 Double Unders
5 Wizzywigs
40 Double Unders
3 Wizzywigs
60 Double Unders]
-Rest exactly 2 minutes-
1 min max T2B
-Rest exactly 2 minutes-
1 min max Pushups
1 Wizzywig = (Hang Squat Clean + Front Squat)
7 Reasons Why YOU Should Do the CrossFit Games Open
Post times, loads, and comments.
02 20 13
OK folks about this 20 rep back squat:
The purpose of today is to get in a single set of 20 AS HEAVY AS POSSIBLE but still all 20 reps have to meet the same good ol’ squat points of performance we always talk about:
1. Lumbar Support
2. Knees over toes
3. Weight on heels
4. BELOW PARALLEL (hip bone below top of knee cap).
So, I suggest you start with a light weight and perform 8 of them. Those 8 reps should feel REALLY squeaky clean with essentially no breakdown in form. (If you feel off balance at all or have any inconsistent reps in your first 8, you’re at too heavy of a weight). If you get ready to do your 20 and you’re at say, 13 reps and you think to yourself “Gee whiz, this is pretty easy. I think I’ll go heavier”, you have the option of either
A) finishing the set of 20 and getting a number on the board or
B) stopping at 13 and going for a heavier weight. If you don’t make the 20 reps at the heavier weight, then you’ll have to go back down and get 20 at a lower weight.
Word of caution. Doing a set of 20 back squats is as test of mental toughness as much as it is a test of strength and stamina. By the 15th rep you will be breathing hard, resting for longer times between reps, and probably feeling all kinds of sorry for yourself. Ignore that little voice in your head.
What sorcery is this. No wonder his deadlift is so huge.
That’s levitation, Holmes!
What the wizzywig is going on…is this name from your crystal ball?
Yeah- it sounds straight outta Harry Potter. I call shenanigans…
What you see is what you get.
Back Squat 155# x 20
Metcon: 1 Rd+1 at 125. (I used 135# for first set of 7, but Kris wisely stepped in and helped me put aside my male ego)
T2B- 19
Push Ups- 31 or 32
taking it easy and light due to multiple injuries/issues, so…
back squat: 20 reps@100#
metcon: (subbed rowing for DUs by doing 100m first rd., 200m second rd.,300m third rd.and did 63# for the barbell complex) 1 round + 27
push ups-17
Had a great time coaching and hanging out. Only got flipped off twice.
Welcome back, Maggie1!!
Thanks! So good to be back, but I just laid down on the couch and am now only 90% sure I will be able to stand up again.
lol that site is awesome
Tony is magical!
Maggie, thanks for posting that stupid link that didn’t waste 20 stupid minutes of my time as I scrolled through and laughed…thank you
20 BS @160 (35# higher than Lei Fei suggested…underestimator)
wizzywigs are silly…2+17 rx for the metcon