7/4 Holiday Schedule: 9AM, 10AM, 4PM. All other classes cancelled.
Gear up for our upcoming nutrition challenge starting July 8th!
Our last seminar to go over the basics and rules is Saturday 7/6 @ 1:00PM!
WOD 07 01 13
A. BS (1×10@60%, 1×8@70% 1×6@75%, 1×4@80%)
B. 1 1/4 BS (normal OR with bounce) (2×2@60%, 2×1@65%)
C. 5 Rounds for reps:
30 sec HS Wall Runs
30 sec Rest
40 sec ME KB Swings (53/35)
20 sec Rest
20 sec ME Thrusters (95/65)
40 sec Rest
Post times, loads, and comments.
07 01 13
I woke up this morning and thought, we haven’t done thrusters in awhile… Someone read my mind 🙂
A. Worked up to 125#
B. Worked up to 105#
C. 284 reps Rx (180, 87, 17)
Saw this as I was passing out last night and had the following Boy George in my head ever since: “Do you really want to hurt me? Do you really want to make me cry?”
A. Worked up to 135#
B. worked up to 115#
C. 326 with a box and the rest Rx (200, 100, and 26).
No, and yes, but only tears of joy.
the original prancerciser
A. 245
B. 205
C. 175, 100, 36. Not gonna lie – the last round of thrusters made my insides cry.