7/4 Holiday Schedule: 9AM, 10AM, 4PM. All other classes cancelled.
Gear up for our upcoming nutrition challenge starting July 8th!
Our last seminar to go over the basics and rules is Saturday 7/6 @ 1:00PM!
WOD 07 03 13
A. Weighted Pullup 5×3 AHAP
B. BTN Split Jerk 5×2, 2×1
C. 6RFT [T9/C12]
10 BW Deficit Deadlifts (25# plate)
20 Double Unders
(Adv: add 3/1 MU after each round)
Post times, loads, and comments. (Also post captions to photo)
07 03 13
Ah yes, trying to keep my elbows tucked while practicing double unders, sadly this experiment failed…..
“Fifty Shades of Double Unders”?
New gif challenge for you Phil….
Here’s what I found with “sweep the leg”:
A. Did a couple sets with a red band and then Misty helped me with some kipping technique. Thanks Misty!
B. Worked up to 2@103#
C. 10:17 @ 125#
A. +20# chinup negs
B. worked to 105#. Need to punch it HARDER
C. 11:46 subbed 135#, with 30sec DU attempts
And this happened. Weight vests make awesome people awesomer (just ask Ashley):
A: +12lbs
B: 135lbs
C: 9:29 rx (225lb dl)
A. gonna do this tomorraaaa
B. 225 – missed 235 and decided it wasn’t the day
C. 9:31 with 3 MU between rds. (165#)
Made up this WOD on Sunday (7/7).
A. Purple band
B. Worked up to 93#
C. 10:06 with 123# (“target” BW, perhaps?)