Clinic on Sunday!
WOD 09 29 12
A1. Weighted Chinup 5×5 Rest 1 min
A2. Weighted Dip 5×5
B. “Nasty Girls”
For time:
3 Rounds:
50 squats
7 Muscle-ups
10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
Rest exactly 2 min
D. AMRAP 3 minutes
Double Unders
Post loads and times to comments.
Donovan was the most recent 1st muscle-upper. Who be next?
09 29 12
A1. treated as max set of strict bodyweight pullups, so did 2-3 for each set.
A2. 5 bodyweight walker dips with red band for each set
B. time was 13:21 i think. Did 73# for HPC and subbed 14 pullups + 14 dips (parallelette dips w/feet on box) for the 7 muscle ups.
arms are done after yesterday and today!
Nice job, homie!