WOD 09 30 14
A. OTM [3]: BTN Push Jerk
B. OTM [3]: BTN Split Jerk
C. OTM [3]: Push Jerk (Front)
D. OTM [3]: Split Jerk (Front)
E. [8] Team Strict Pullups (scale based on ability)
F (P): 4RFT [12]:
Row 400m
20 Ring Pushups
F (F): 4RFT [12]:
Row 400m
30 Pushups
Post times, loads, and comments.
09 30 14
Where am I going??
Holy pullups 530pm class!
D. 138? i think w/ dennis, ben, satana and erik
E. 3 pushups shy of completion…chest is sore