WOD 10 16 12
A1. EMOM (Even): Hang Squat Clean (8×1). Reps 4-8 should be >70% Clean 1RM.
A2. EMOM (Odd): Strict Weighted Pullup (8×3)
B. Skin-the-cats (3×3)
C. For time [T7/C12]:
12 Front Squats (225/150)
24 KB Snatches (53/35)
48 Slamballs (30/20)
EMOM Perform 10 DU. (Adv: 20 u/b DU) No reps may be counted until DUs are complete. The WOD begins with the FS.
Post loads, times and comments.
10 16 12
This looked brutal for the am crew double unders were a killer. Got to tackle it this afternoon though and had some fun.
178# hang squat clean
7.5 weighted pull-ups
4:31 on the metcon used 155 for fs, 40# db and did 20 dubs emom.
Shout out to Jill, who looked like she wanted to throw the slam ball at somebody’s head, but instead kept working! Great job
Heavy cleans!
I love heavy cleans. As Lisa would say “heart hug”
Thanks, Kris. I needed the encouragement. I was thinking more about not throwing up than throwing the slam ball one more time 😉