Happy Birthday to Christine!  Her birthday WOD will be tomorrow!


WOD 11 09 12

A. Hollow Rocks 4×12

B. False Grip CTR Pullups 4×5.  ROM over load.  Keep elbows in.

C. 3 Rounds for time:

16 KB/DB Snatches (53/35)

100m 1-armed KB walk (length of gym x 4)*

20 Slamballs (30/20)

*8 Burpees each time you rest or put the KB down during the walk

Post loads, times, and comments.

11 09 12
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2 thoughts on “11 09 12

  • 11 09 2012 at 8:26 pm

    Happy birthday Christine!

    Had to modify the WOD due to right shoulder/arm/rotator cuff issues, so I did russian KB (35#) swings instead of snatches. Time was 7:26.

  • 11 09 2012 at 11:17 pm

    Hope you had a terrific birthday, Christine! Your b-day WOD looks like a doosey… Too bad I can’t make it tomorrow.

    Made it in today though. Hollow rocks were ‘meh’, and I did some false grip negatives on the rings. Metcon was 7:40 with 25# KB.

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