Who wants some awesome shorts?
MEMBERS: We now no longer require a login to comment on the blog, but for those of you who still want to login, just go to the “members” menu to “Comments login”!
Also – anyone interested in trying out a Paleo food delivery service at the box? Post interest to comments!
Holiday schedule:
Wed 11/27: Normal schedule
Thurs 11/28: Closed
Fri 11/29: 10AM, 11AM
WOD 11 23 13
A. Skin the cat 4×5. Play with getting inverted.
B. Skill: spend 10 minutes working on DU or Toes to Bar
C. In teams of 3: (At all times: 1 working, 1 resting, 1 planking/hanging/ring support)
AMRAP 16 min:
2 Rope Climbs
4 Thrusters (135/95)
8 Pistols
16 Toes to Bar
32 Double Unders
Post times, loads, and comments.
11 23 13
Who wants to be on team awesome for this WOD?
Who wants to be on team awesome for this WOD?