Movie night (This Sunday)!

 Who wants some awesome shorts?

MEMBERS: We now no longer require a login to comment on the blog, but for those of you who still want to login, just go to the “members” menu to “Comments login”!

 Also – anyone interested in trying out a Paleo food delivery service at the box?  Post interest to comments!

Holiday schedule:

Wed 11/27: Normal schedule

Thurs 11/28: Closed

Fri 11/29: 10AM, 11AM


WOD 11 23 13

A. Skin the cat 4×5.  Play with getting inverted.

B. Skill: spend 10 minutes working on DU or Toes to Bar

C. In teams of 3: (At all times: 1 working, 1 resting, 1 planking/hanging/ring support)

AMRAP 16 min:

2 Rope Climbs

4 Thrusters (135/95)

8 Pistols

16 Toes to Bar

32 Double Unders

Post times, loads, and comments.

11 23 13
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2 thoughts on “11 23 13

  • 11 23 2013 at 1:47 am

    Who wants to be on team awesome for this WOD?

  • 11 23 2013 at 1:47 am

    Who wants to be on team awesome for this WOD?

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